La Mirada Lamplighter

Lamplighter reporter and publisher on Channels 9 and 2 Wednesday Night for breaking Noguez story

Los Cerritos Community Newspaper Publisher Brian Hews and Investigative Reporter Randy Economy appeared on CBS Los Angeles and KCAL-9 News on Wednesday night with reporter Dave Bryan, to highlight the community newspaper’s four month coverage into the rampant “pay to play” allegations at the Los Angeles County Assessor’s Office.
Investigators Wednesday searched the home and offices of Los Angeles County Assessor John Noguez amid allegations that his department was involved in influence-peddling.

CLICK HERE FOR CBS Los Angeles Reporter Dave Bryan report of Los Cerritos Community Newspaper’s investigation into the activities at the Los Angeles County Assessor’s Office.

The segment highlights LCCN’s extensive four month coverage into the activities of Noguez and the Assessor’s political operations.

Courtesy: CBS Los Angeles, KCAL 9 News

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