La Mirada Lamplighter

Festive La Mirada Easter Event Set For Saturday At Regional Park

The Easter Bunny is getting ready for a big weekend in La Mirada,

Egg Hunt

Egg Hunt (Photo credit: Avondale Pattillo UMC)

The City of La Mirada’s will be holding their annual Easter Event this coming Saturday, March 30 from 9 to 11 a.m. at La Mirada Regional Park.

City officials are promising “an amazing day of fun and activities for the everyone in the community.”

Featured at the event will be games, crafts, music, balloon artists, bounce houses, a petting zoo, and an Easter Egg Hunt.

Attendees will also be able to have special photos taken with the Easter Bunny for a nominal fee.

The Easter Egg Hunt for children ages 10 and under will begin promptly at 10:15 a.m.

Hunt areas are separated by age. Participants should arrive at their Egg Hunt area based on their age 15 minutes prior to the event.

Children and parents can enjoy a pancake breakfast at the Easter Egg Hunt hosted by the La Mirada Kiwanis for a nominal fee.

The Kiwanis Duck Derby will be held at Splash! following the Easter Egg Hunt.  This is one of the most popular events held each year by the local service organization.

For more information, call the Community Services Department at (562) 943-7277.

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