La Mirada Lamplighter

Norwalk to Upgrade All Twelve City Parks


February 23, 2022

On February 22, 2022 the City Council was presented with a “master plan” by City staff outlining current and future projects for all twelve parks located in the city. The presentation detailed all park projects in various stages of work, from requested funding/waiting for notification, to design, to construction.

Recommendations included adding block walls in parks that would provide better security and decrease continued maintenance costs for repairs due to cut fences and vandalism. In addition, new Pour-N-Play surfaces for playgrounds will create a safer environment for children and decreased staff time and maintenance. Staff also recommended the installation and upgrade of ballfield lighting at parks that will increase hours of operation.

The City Council was supportive of the recommendations made by City staff. A key component of the plan was the availability of resources for each of the park projects. Mayor Rick Ramirez summed up the Council’s perspective on the issue when he stated, “We need to invest the money we have, while at the same time aggressively go after additional resources. We need to upgrade these parks now.”

A few highlights of the planned projects are:

The City Council voted unanimously to move forward with budget-approved projects where applicable, and the prioritizing of future projects.

For more information email or call (562) 929-5735.

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