September 1, 2024
Public Safety Poster Contest
The annual Public Safety Poster Contest to promote safety awareness for school-aged children will be held in September. The theme of this year’s contest is “Safety Starts with Me!”.
Students in kindergarten through twelfth grade are invited to participate in the poster contest. The City’s Public Safety and Traffic Commissioners will serve as judges and select first, second, and third place winners in the following categories: Kindergarten and First Grade; Second and Third Grade; Fourth and Fifth Grade; Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Grade; and Ninth through Twelfth Grade.
Entry forms will be available on September 2 at the La Mirada Community Sheriff’s Station and at La Mirada schools. Entries are due to the La Mirada Community Sheriff’s Station by 5 p.m. on Friday, September 20. Award winners will be notified and invited to attend a City Council meeting in October to be recognized.
For additional information, contact Public Safety Supervisor Mary Cipres at (562) 902-2986.Make Preparedness a PriorityLa Mirada will observe
National Preparedness Month
To commemorate National Preparedness Month, residents are encouraged to take steps to prepare for emergencies in their home, business, school, and neighborhood.
To help residents prepare, the City offers Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness (NEP) training. La Mirada NEP is taught by members of the City’s Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). CERT members teach neighborhood areas how to make a plan, assemble a supply kit, stay informed, and get involved.
For more information or to sign up your neighborhood for training, contact Public Safety Supervisor Mary Cipres at (562) 902-2986 or email mcipres@cityoflamirada.org.
Buccaneer Bay Open Saturdays
The Buccaneer Bay waterpark at Splash! is open Labor Day weekend and then Saturdays only through September 28 from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Single-day admissions are available for $27, with seniors and those less than 48 inches tall priced at only $22. For more information, visit splashlamirada.com.
Subscribe to the Upcoming Season at La Mirada Theare
The La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts is preparing for its 47th season of Broadway hits, concerts, and more. Become a subscriber today and enjoy presale access to all your favorite shows. La Mirada residents receive a subscription discount!
The La Mirada Theatre season features Broadway shows including Waitress, Fiddler on the Roof, The Play That Goes Wrong, Legally Blonde (the musical), and Disney’s Frozen. Waitress will premiere Friday, September 20.
Buy your single tickets for Waitress and The Play That Goes Wrong now.
For more information, visit the Box Office, call (562) 944-9801, or visit the Theatre’s website at LaMiradaTheatre.com.
All That Dance: Roaring Twenties
Seniors are invited to a roaring twenties themed All That Dance on Friday, September 13 from 2 to 5 p.m. at the La Mirada Activity Center. The event will feature musical entertainment, snacks, and light refreshments. Tickets are $5 per person and may be purchased in advance or at the door.
Registration is required for this event. For more information or to pre-register, call (562) 902-3160 or visit cityoflamirada.org.
Health Information and Safety Fair
The City’s annual Community Health Fair event is scheduled for Wednesday, September 18 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Activity Center, located 13810 La Mirada Boulevard.
The Community Health Fair offers a range of valuable health and wellness screenings and information on housing, education, and safety. Transportation and boxed lunches are available with advance reservation.
For more information, call the Activity Center at (562) 902-3160.
Hometown Hero Spotlight
The Hometown Hero Spotlight Award recognizes La Mirada veterans who, in addition to having served their country, continue to make a difference by giving back to their community through volunteer or charitable service. Nominations for the Hometown Hero Spotlight Award are now being accepted through Monday, October 14. Selected nominees will be honored during the 2024 Salute to Veterans Celebration at Neff Park on Saturday, November 9.
Nomination forms are available online and at the La Mirada Resource Center. For more information, call (562) 943-7277.