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EXCLUSIVE: City of La Mirada Chosen as Host Town for 2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games in Los Angeles

By Tony Aiello

La Mirada~The City of La Mirada has been officially chosen to be one of the Host Towns for the 2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games coming to Los Angeles in July of next year, the La Mirada Blog has learned.

It will be the first Special Olympics World Summer Games held in the U.S. in 16 years and the “LA2015” event marks the second time that the World Games will be hosted in Los Angeles. The Summer Olympic Games in 1932 and 1984 were also hosted in L.A.

Community Services Director Lori Thompson told the LM Blog that this will be the” largest event in Los Angeles since the 1984 Summer Olympic Games.”

The Host Town Program is a special 3-day program that takes place prior to the Opening Ceremony. At their Host Towns, athletic delegations from around the world will be welcomed and celebrated.

As a Host Town, La Mirada’s schedule of events will include meeting community members, taking part in unique cultural activities, and practicing for the games, all while making friends for life.

Thompson said the city partnered with Biola University and this endeavor could not have been accomplished otherwise, “They will provide much-needed services including housing and food for the athletes.”

There will be a special announcement ceremony at one of the city’s upcoming outdoor summer concerts, with the exact date still to be determined.

With 7,000 athletes representing more than 170 countries, along with 3,000 coaches, 30,000 volunteers and an anticipated 500,000 spectators, the 2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games, running July 25–August 2, 2015 will be the largest sports-and-humanitarian event anywhere in the world next year.


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