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Peter Cottontail is seen at Golden Park in Downey

Peter Cottontail was seen in Downey this past week in preparation for his big day this Sunday.  Tammye Mc Duff photo

Peter Cottontail was seen in Downey this past week in preparation for his big day this Sunday. Tammye Mc Duff photo

By Tammye McDuff

Golden Park had a seasonal guardian make an appearance to dozens of delighted children, Saturday, April 12th. Peter Cottontail gave a fresh new twist to the revisited event ‘Breakfast with the Bunny’.

Downey Parks and Recreations Department was host to dozens of families who came out for pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage and spring time treats for an 8:30 am or a 10:30 am seating. The Golden Park Community Center was decorated with colorful, enormous springtime eggs; little chicks and bunnies decorated the walls; oversized balloon bunnies and the ever exciting Bunny Train.

Breakfast was prepared by local Boy Scout Troupe 441; Parks & Recreation volunteers and Kiwanis Club members. While feasting amid balloons and streamers, attendees were enchanted and amazed by gigantic magic bubbles.

Downey Los Amigos Kiwanis Club presented the Bunny Breakfast & Spring Extravaganza! The event had been postponed for the last several years, until citizens began to request that it be brought back. Arlene Salazar, Parks & Recreation Director stated “We just did not have the funds to do this, until the Kiwanis Club; Lions Club and so many other businesses really came through.”

The admission ticket not only offered breakfast, but free egg decorating for the kids, and entertainment. The outdoor musical prize-walk hosted by the Downey Lions Club where each participant won a stuffed animal and if the child was lucky enough to land on a secret number – they won a huge Easter basket. Carnival games and prizes were in abundance with information booths on the YMCA; the Columbia Memorial Space Center; Police Cadets and Downey Parks & Recreation events. As an added treat a portable skate park was set up and skateboards were provided. A special ‘toddler town’ sported a blow up Easter village jumper and a separate fenced area had slides; playhouses; tunnels and giant toys.

Sponsors for the event were City of Downey; Parks & Recreation Department; Downey Los amigos Kiwanis club; Lions Club; Boy Scout Troup 441; Rockview Family Farm; Ralph’s; Food4Less; Fresh & Easy; The Hummus Factory; Downey Razorbacks; and the Downey High School Color Guard.

This year’s Breakfast with the Bunny was a huge success and both seating’s sold out.

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