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Napa Earthquake a Humble Reminder to Prepare

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake centered in Napa, California rattled the Bay Area this past weekend on the morning of August 24. Over 200 people were injured and some 70,000 people were impacted by downed utilities and infrastructure. Severe damage caused by the initial shaking and aftershocks included hundreds of inhabitable buildings and highways. The damage is estimated to exceed $1 billion throughout the affected region.
The Napa Earthquake offers a humbling reminder that we live in earthquake country. The La Mirada Public Safety Team encourages residents to maintain a proactive approach in earthquake preparedness.
Preparing can start with these important steps:

1. Get an emergency supply kit

Visit for more information.

 2. Make a plan for what to do in an emergency

Visit for more information on how to create a plan.

 3. Stay informed about emergencies that could happen in your community and receive updates

Sign up for Alert LA County for emergency notifications and Nixle for emergency updates in your community.

4. Seek out resources and training that will be helpful before, during and after an emergency

Sign up for La Mirada’s Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training by calling (562) 943-7277. The CERT training will be held at the La Mirada Activity Center on Saturday Sept. 20, 27 and Oct. 4, 2014 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The City also offers the Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness Program (NEPP). La Mirada NEPP will train residents how to develop and implement a neighborhood emergency plan to help deal with the aftermath of a variety of emergencies and disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, and blackouts.
Neighbors from apartment complexes, churches, neighborhoods, retirement and active living communities, and homeowners associations (HOA) are invited to attend. Information on the Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness Program (NEPP) will be held at these locations and dates:

• Neff Park – Saturday, Aug. 30 at 9 a.m.


• Heights Christian Elementary (12200 Oxford Dr.) – Tuesday, Sept. 16 at 6 p.m.

For more emergency preparedness information, visit or

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