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CERRITOS SHERIFF’S STATION Weekly Crime Summary -October 27 – November 2, 2014   




There were 14 Part I felony crimes reported in Cerritos this past week, a decrease of four from the previous week and the continuation of a gradual reduction over the past three weeks. The following is a breakdown of crimes by category: three residential burglaries; three commercial/other burglaries; four grand thefts; two vehicle burglaries; and two auto thefts. Deputies made six felony arrests, 11 misdemeanor arrests, five warrant arrests, and issued 92 traffic citations. The Sheriff’s dispatch center also received a total of 236 calls for service, a decrease from this year’s weekly average of 265 calls.


Residential Burglary:


17200 block Maria Ave (10/26-27): A relative checked on a home being renovated and observed the front door had been kicked in. Jewelry boxes in a bedroom were opened and on the floor, but the loss is unknown.

17800 block Kensington Ave (10/28): Suspect pried rear screen and entered open kitchen window. The home was ransacked but the loss is unknown.

16200 block Joanna Ave (10/28): Female resident arrived home and saw a man standing in the entry area inside of her front door. The Sheriff’s were immediately contacted and subsequently arrested the suspect a few blocks away. The suspect had entered through an unlocked second story window. Nothing appeared to have been stolen from the residence.


Commercial/Other Burglary:


13300 block Artesia Blvd (10/28): Suspect shattered a large glass window of a telephone store but nothing missing.

16500 block Valley View Ave (10/15-11/2): Hasp on storage locker cut and collector plates and figurines stolen.

16600 block Valley View Ave (10/31): Security guard checking vacant building observed burglary tools on the ground and called the Sheriff’s. Responding deputies arrested suspect who was trying to steal copper wire.

12500 block 183rd St (10/30): Padlock on gym locker broken and two cell phones stolen.


Vehicle Burglary:


200 Los Cerritos Center (10/27): Passenger door lock on a Chevy Suburban pried and backpack stolen.

17700 block Center Court Dr (10/30): Passenger door lock punched and third row seat stolen from a Chevy Tahoe.


Grand Theft: 


17700 Alora Ave 10/27/28): During overnight hours, a tailgate valued at $6,000 stolen from Ford pickup parked in a residential driveway.

14100 block Artesia Blvd (10/28/29): Parking lot gate lock cut and catalytic converter stolen from Isuzu box truck.

13200 block 166th St (11/1): Duffle bag containing jewelry and sunglasses that was placed near basketball court was stolen while victim playing basketball.



Grand Theft Auto


11400 block South St (10/30): ’96 Honda Accord stolen from shopping center, recovered in Long Beach on 10/31.

239 Los Cerritos Center (11/1): ’97 Honda Accord stolen from mall parking lot.



The City’s safety website,, has an extensive library of crime prevention tips, disaster preparedness information, and a variety of links to other relevant sites. On the website you can join the City’s Virtual Block Club, regularly keep abreast of crime trends, and use the knowledge to protect yourself, your family, and your property. Neighborhood Watch works, and in partnership with Cerritos Sheriff’s deputies you can significantly reduce your risk of becoming a crime victim. If you “see something, say something,” and call the Cerritos Sheriff’s at (562) 860-0044.


Crime Prevention Town Hall Meeting Scheduled


Cerritos residents are invited to attend a crime prevention town hall meeting at the Cerritos Senior Center on Wednesday, November 12, 2014. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Our Community Safety Division staff will conduct a Crookology 101 presentation and provide prevention strategies for the most common crimes committed in Cerritos over the past several years. Also come and meet Captain William Cicchillo, our recently assigned station commander, who will provide information about the Sheriff’s crime fighting efforts.


Volunteers on Patrol Wanted


Looking for an interesting and useful way to serve your community? You may want to consider becoming a Sheriff’s Volunteer on Patrol. Patrolling the City in distinctly marked vehicles, VOPs assist with crime suppression, traffic control, vacation checks, special events and park patrols. They serve as additional “eyes and ears” for the Sheriff’s Department and train as first responders in the event of a major emergency or disaster. For more information, contact the City of Cerritos Community Safety Division at (562) 916-1266, or visit the Division office at the Cerritos Sheriff’s Station to obtain an application.


Neighborhood Watch Works – Block Captains Wanted


Neighborhood Watch Block Captains are also a valuable and important way to serve your community and neighborhood. Block Captains serve as a liaison between residents and our Sheriff’s Department by networking with neighbors, distributing information about crime incidents and trends, and providing feedback to our law enforcement personnel. Anyone interested in becoming a Block Captain is encouraged to contact the Cerritos Community Safety Division at (562) 916-1266.


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