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Assemblyman Ian Calderon Fined by FPPC

Assemblyman Ian Calderon. Photo by Randy Economy.

Assemblyman Ian Calderon at HMG-CN offices.

By Brian Hews

Assemblyman Ian Caldaron (D-Whittier) has been ordered to pay $600 in fines for failing to disclose income he received from his father Charles Calderon.

Calderon failed to report almost $42,000 in income for work he completed in 2010.

The case was filed by a Whittier resident in May 2012. At the time Calderon was running for Assembly but was also working for his father, and therefore needed to disclose all income.

The reports Calderon filed omitted the almost $42,000 that sources told HMG-CN was for “putting together a website for his dad…. that never really got finished.”

The complaint also alleged that Calderon failed to report gifts from his father that included trips to Pebble Beach and Hawaii, but the FPPC did not address those allegations.

The fine comes on the heels of an Oct. 30, 2104 HMG-CN exclusive report that showed Calderon abused the state’s auto reimbursement policy.

See story click here.

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