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League of Women Voters of Los Angeles Measure Recommendations

YES on L.A. Community College District Measure CC

The Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) plays an essential part of public education in the Los Angeles community. The District is the largest community college district in the United States, and one of the largest in the world. It consists of nine colleges and serves over 130,000 students annually. The bond proceeds would be used to fund construction, renovation, and upgrading facilities at the nine community colleges.  An independent citizens’ oversight committee will oversee the implementation of the projects to make sure that the funds are spent only as authorized.  It has been eight years since the last bond measure for building and renovation of facilities was passed. More is needed to provide 21st century low-cost educational opportunities for our communities – a situation this bond measure will help remedy.

YES on L.A. City Proposition HHH

Prop HHH is a common-sense, cost-effective approach to solving the problem of growing homelessness. There are approximately 26,000 homeless individuals in Los Angeles, a growth of 11% in the past year, and homeless encampments are a safety and public health issue. Under the supervision of an Oversight and Administrative Oversight Commission, we will provide resources we need to reduce the number of people living on our streets, build more supportive housing, and facilitate access to services. Providing stable housing to homeless individuals as a first step is more effective than providing services without guaranteed housing.

Because League positions do not cover the issues in the following measures, the LWVLA is taking no stand on L.A. City Initiative Ordinance JJJ (Affordable Housing and Labor Standards Related to City Planning), L.A. City Charter Amendment RRR (City of L.A. Department of Water and Power), L.A. City Charter Amendment SSS (City of L.A. Fire and Police Pensions; Airport Peace Officers).

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