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La Mirada’s Measure I Sales Tax Sunsets

Staff Report

The City of La Mirada’s one percent supplemental sales tax officially ended on March 31, 2018.  The five-year tax, approved by 66.63 percent of voters in the November 2012 election, became effective on April 1, 2013.  La Mirada’s sales tax rate has now dropped from 10.25 percent to 9.5 percent, which is the lowest rate in Los Angeles County.  The County’s .25 percent homeless tax, Measure H, became effective locally at the same time Measure I expired.

La Mirada voters approved Measure I after the State of California eliminated redevelopment agencies and took away other local revenues, leaving cities with very limited resources to provide services and address infrastructure needs.  A 29-member Citizens Task Force on City Finances and Operations had previously recommended the measure be placed on the ballot, and proposed the funding be used to address unmet infrastructure needs.

In keeping with the Citizens Task Force’s recommendation, the City Council has dedicated funds generated by Measure I to completing neighborhood infrastructure repairs.  Since it became effective, Measure I has generated nearly $28 million, exceeding original estimates ranging from $20-$25 million. This figure is expected to increase slightly as final payments are forwarded to the City by the State Board of Equalization, which collects sales tax revenues on the City’s behalf.

Comprehensive neighborhood infrastructure repairs have been completed throughout much of La Mirada, with more neighborhoods scheduled to receive improvements within the year.  The work includes pavement rehabilitation, replacement of damaged curb, gutter, sidewalk and driveway aprons, upgrades to existing and placement of new handicap curb access ramps, reconstruction and lining of storm drain systems, and removal and replacement of existing slotted cross gutters.  A five-member Measure I Oversight Board meets quarterly to review revenues and expenditures associated with the sales tax to ensure the funds are spent as intended.

“The La Mirada City Council has kept its word to limit the Measure I sales tax to five years,” says Mayor Larry Mowles.  “Additionally, all funds generated by Measure I have been dedicated to neighborhood improvements, as promised.”

The City plans to continue its robust neighborhood infrastructure improvement program over the next several years beyond the conclusion of Measure I.  City staff continues to explore alternative revenue sources to complete the final phases of the work.

For additional information on La Mirada’s Measure I neighborhood improvements or other capital projects, call the City’s Public Works Department (562) 902-2385.

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