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LA MIRADA MAYOR (at the time) Larry Mowles recognized long-time city resident Peggy Roman for her 90th birthday milestone.   The La Mirada City Council recognized long-time city resident Peggy Roman for celebrating her upcoming 90th birthday.


Mrs. Roman was born in Los Angeles on April 18, 1929. She lived in the cities of Long Beach and Lakewood before making La Mirada home in 1985. Mrs. Roman worked for Rockwell International in 1964 as a Clerk Typist and proceeded become a lead working with the space program before retiring in 1988. 

This year marks her 28th year as a volunteer usher and member of the Friends of La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts. She has served on the La Mirada Senior Council since its inception in 2000. In 2017, Mrs. Roman was recognized by the Los Angeles County Commission for older Adults for her outstanding volunteer service in the La Mirada community. 

The City of La Mirada recognizes La Mirada residents on their milestone anniversaries and birthdays.  The City’s Recognition program includes 80th, 90th and 100th birthdays and 50th, 60th and 70th wedding anniversaries. 

To sign up for recognition, contact the La Mirada Activity Center at (562) 902-3160.

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