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March 29 La Mirada Lamplighter E-edition

March 29 La Mirada Lamplighter E-edition

Click on image to view in full screen. Open publication – Free publishing…

Festive La Mirada Easter Event Set For Saturday At Regional Park

Festive La Mirada Easter Event Set For Saturday At Regional Park

The City of La Mirada’s will be holding their annual Easter Event this coming Saturday, March 30 from 9 to 11 a.m. at La Mirada Regional Park. City officials are…

Council Members Sarega, Deal Takes Sworn Into Office at La Mirada City Hall

Council Members Sarega, Deal Takes Sworn Into Office at La Mirada City Hall

OATH OF OFFICE – La Mirada City Council Members Pauline Deal and Andrew Sarega are administered their Oath of Office by City Clerk Anne Haraksin this week.  The two were elected…

La Mirada Shopping Centers Improving

 Construction activity can be heard at two shopping centers in La Mirada as property owners and commercial tenants make major investments in new buildings and remodeling. A Walgreens drug store…

NORWALK – The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) will continue with a  full freeway closures on the Santa Ana Freeway (I-5) on Tuesday March 12 to complete the Shoemaker Avenue…

Sarega overtakes Keithly in technically plagued La Mirada City Council ballot counting

Sarega overtakes Keithly in technically plagued La Mirada City Council ballot counting

By Randy Economy Political newcomer Andrew Sarega appears to have won a seat on the La Mirada City Council more than 24 hours after the polls officially closed and in…

BREAKING: All Ballots in La Mirada City Council Election To Be Recounted Wednesday

 By Tony Aiello  La Mirada~In a race too close to call, all ballots will be recounted in the La Mirada City Council race along with 326 additional provisional ballots on…

Deal Wins La Mirada City Council Race; Keithly, Sarega wait to see who takes second seat

The race for two La Mirada City Council seats will be decided sometime over the next few weeks after just nine votes separated the second and third place challengers in…

Mar 1 La Mirada Lamplighter E-edition

Mar 1 La Mirada Lamplighter E-edition

Click on image to view in full-screen. Press escape to leave publication. Open publication – Free publishing…

Feb. 22 La Mirada Lamplighter E-edition

Feb. 22 La Mirada Lamplighter E-edition

Click on image to view in full screen. Press escape to exit publication. Open publication – Free publishing…