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LM City Council Considers Task Force Findings

For the past five months, the Citizen Task Force on City Finances and Operations studied La Mirada’s fiscal situation and needs, including the impacts of State takeaways of local funds. Among other factors, the Task Force examined potential local funding options that would help address ongoing community priorities. These items were discussed at a recent City Council meeting.
The Task Force is concerned that La Mirada has nearly $70-million in unmet needs including street repairs, storm drain replacements and other infrastructure improvements. Much of La Mirada’s infrastructure has been in place for more than 50 years and is becoming more costly to repair. Additionally, the Task Force recommended updating other community amenities including undergrounding utilities, replacing boundary block walls, and enhancing street lighting, which combined is estimated to cost some $127-million.
La Mirada faces significant challenges addressing ongoing community priorities. The economic recession, declining revenues and continual State takeaways of local funds are making it increasingly difficult to maintain city services. La Mirada does not have the local funding necessary to address these service needs. Like many other communities in California, La Mirada faces enormous financial challenges due to continual Sacramento money grabs.
“The Task Force recommended the City Council take action to enhance local funds for local community priorities to build a better La Mirada,” says City Manager Tom Robinson. “The Task Force is supportive of efforts to address these priorities now to preserve our quality of life and enhance the local economy.”
Within its report, the Task Force recommended the City Council to implement strategies to enhance and protect local control of local funds, including a potential local revenue measure. To review the Task Force’s report, visit

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