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Hundreds Attend Floyd Protests in Cerritos



By TAMMYE MCDUFF • June 1, 2020

Hundreds protested George floyd’s death in Cerritos today, including gathering at Gridley Park and the Cerritos Sheriff’s Station.

People who drove past the gatherings were mostly in favor, one driver objected and yelled at the protesters to “go home.”

Almost in unison the crowd said “peace brother!”

19 year-old protest organizer Cerys Rotondo told Hews Media Group, “We organized this for a peaceful protest. I have seen so many protests turn into riots, like in LA and Long Beach. Honestly I wanted to stand for this but I was scared to get involved with those protests and that environment. I thought it would be really cool for Cerritos to come together and stand peacefully for this. I know that we are really sheltered and privileged to live in Cerritos, it is a safe community, but I believe we need to talk about this. It affects all of us. There is diversity here in Cerritos. It is not about politics it is about morality and fighting for humanity.”

Captain David Moeller, California Highway Patrol in Santa Fe Springs rode alongside the protestors. He told HMG, “We saw that the protest was happening. We always have concerns for the safety of the public and pedestrians and we wanted to make sure that everyone had a positive first amendment experience. The organizers agreed to meet with us, so we have an understanding of each other.  I think these are very challenging times. I have been letting people know that there have been a lot of positive changes in law enforcement, specifically in California. There are those who think that the police are the enemy, And they are not. I can say that every policeman I have spoken to is very open to this. Everyone is trying to help people move through this as safely as we can.”

The coroner ruled today that Floyd’s death was a homicide caused by asphyxiation.


Protestors walking down Bloomfield to Cerritos High.



Hundreds gather in front of Cerritos Sheriff’s Station.



Protesters displaying signs, the authorities did not enforce social distancing.



Protesters gather at Gridley Park in Cerritos.



Additional protesters at the Cerritos Sheriff’s station.





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