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La MIrada Crime Summary April 30, 2012 – May 6, 2012

Residential Burglary

Two residential burglaries were reported last week.

A burglary was reported on the 14800 block of Valeda Dr. Jewelry and miscellaneous documents were taken.

An incident was reported on the 12800 block of Gabbett Dr. A side porch door was pried open. Jewelry, flatware, and a television were stolen from the home.


Other Structure Burglary

A burglary to a business was reported on the 14500 block of Alondra Blvd. Cash was stolen from the location.

A burglary to a storage shed was reported on the 14100 block of Angell St.

Vehicle Burglary

Five vehicle burglaries were reported last week.

An incident was reported on the 12000 block of Santa Gertrudes Ave. A driver’s side window was shattered. No loss from the vehicle was reported.

A window smash burglary was reported on the 13300 block of Beach Blvd. Cell phones and cash were taken.

A burglary was reported on the 16100 block of Rosecrans Ave. A tote bag containing paperwork was stolen.

Two vehicle burglaries were reported on the 13000 block of Santa Gertrudes Ave.


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