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La Mirada Crime Summary April 22–28, 2013

Residential Burglary: A burglary was reported on the 15800 block of Lawnhill Dr. The suspect gained entry by prying the doors.
Other Structure Burglary: An attempted burglary to a business was reported on the 15700 block of Imperial Hwy. No loss from the business was reported.
Grand Theft: An incident was reported on the 15900 block of Lorca Rd. Catalytic converters were stolen from a vehicle parked on a residential driveway.
New Crime Trend Targets Fumigation Tenting
California has recently experienced a rash of residential burglaries involving homes that were tented for fumigation.
Residential fumigation involves pest control experts covering a house with an enormous rubber tent for several days in order to give heavy-duty pesticides time to work. While a home is covered, occupants are not allowed to access their home for several days. Once the tent is erected, no one is allowed inside the home until it is removed because the chemicals used in the fumigation process are not only lethal for pests, but also present serious health risks to humans and pets.
Given the dangers involved, most people steer clear of homes undergoing this type of fumigation process. However, criminals are increasingly targeting tented houses, viewing them as an opportunity to invade your home under the cover of a tent for hours, or even days.
Before fumigating your home, there are a few things that you should do to make certain that your valuables are safe while you are away.
Install a Monitored Alarm System
Installing an alarm system in your home is a wise investment. If there is any indication that your home contains a dog or an alarm system, a burglar will almost always bypass it and look for another. Most systems emit a high-pitched tone that can be heard as soon as a contact on a door or window is broken, or a motion detector picks up movement inside the home. Paying extra for a 24-hour monitoring service will only add increased protection.
Secure Doors and Windows
Most residential burglaries in La Mirada are directly attributed to residents leaving doors or windows open or unlocked. This is practically an invitation for thieves.
Often, a burglar breaks in at the side garage door behind the gate. Such doors are frequently unlocked, and usually not very strong. Another common point of entry is unlocked rear bedroom or bathroom windows. If the windows are locked, many burglars carry tools and will pry open sliding windows or even large sliding doors. Consider using some type of pin locking device that prevents the burglar from removing the sliding door or window from its track.
For windows, make sure that glass break sensors are installed. If you have an alarm system (and you should), be sure that all of your window sensors are working properly before you leave home.
CCTV Cameras
Security cameras not only deter thieves, they also capture activity around your home while you are away. Even at night or when natural light is blocked by a tent’s presence, cameras with infrared technology will record activity at your home. Many devices even offer real-time, remote access from a computer or even a smartphone.
Make Home Security a Priority
Battling termites or a cockroach infestation is enough stress for a homeowner to have to deal with. Adding burglars to the list of pests you have to defend against only increases the stress. But failing to consider the very real possibility of a break-in during a tented fumigation can be very costly.
The La Mirada Public Safety Team asks residents to be extra vigilant and report suspicious activity around homes being fumigated. Residents having their homes fumigated should ask neighbors to help watch their properties. If people are seen working on the home after the initial tent set-up, report it immediately.

To report a crime in progress, call 911. To report suspicious activity, call La Mirada Community Sheriff’s Station at (562) 902-2960.

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