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Downey Hosts Free Pet Care Fair

By Tammye McDuff

SEAACA in cooperation with the city of Downey and The Lucy Pet Foundation, held a free spay, neuter and vaccination clinic at Rio San Gabriel Park October 5, 2014. Situated in the shade of Downey’s Dog Park, were dozens of pet vendors offering pet emergency kits, onsite grooming, Discover Downey booth and Starbucks gave away free iced-coffee.

In October of 1975, the cities of Downey, Norwalk and Pico Rivera formed a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) establishing the Southeast Area Animal Control Authority (SEAACA). SEAACA was formed as an alternative to the escalating costs of animal control services, and to improve the service level rendered by private and public animal welfare agencies. A representative of SEAACA stated “Our objectives are to develop a compassionate approach to animal control which recognizes the animal as a victim incapable of defending itself.” Their goal is to locate the owners of lost or stray animals as an alternative to impounding. With the development of of the Care Center, SEAACA can house veterinary clinic which provides low cost vaccination for the public and spays and neuters adoption animals.

The Lucy Pet Foundation was also onsite offering inexpensive spay and neutering services. Lucy was a stray that had been adopted by the Herrick family, a female Chihuahua mix that looked like she had been out on her own for a long time. Completely covered with dirt, toe nails curling under and tire marks on her back, Lucy was also pregnant. The Herrick’s posted signs and checked the local shelters for an owner; no one came forward to claim her. The Herrick’s took her in, delivered Lucy’s five puppies and adopted them out. Wanting to help more strays, after touring the local shelter The Lucy Pet Foundation was created. If interested, they will be at the Rio Hondo Dog Park on October 15th, an appointment is recommended.

Many families have an emergency kit and plan for the people in the home should disaster strike, but forget about the furry family members. SCart is a family and animal preparedness response team. SCart offers education and instruction on pet emergency supplies. A checklist from food to familiar items was displayed, making a pet plan is also recommended. Chart how to assemble your pets, develop a buddy system with your neighbors and discuss emergency housing with your veterinarian.

Fetch Grooming, a mobile full grooming service was also available, giving out free pet manicures for the day. Located in South Gate, Fetch covers the entire Los Angeles and Orange Counties offering full service or particular services from flea treatments to animal oral hygiene and gland expressing.

Not to forget the furry four-legged moms and dads, Downey Starbucks was on hand to offer free iced coffee to quench human thirsts.

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