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Norwalk-La Mirada USD Superintendents Message

NLMUSD Superintendent Ginger Shattuck

NLMUSD Superintendent Ginger Shattuck


October was a busy month as we worked to promote programs that prepare students for life after graduation. It’s imperative that we continue to offer students learning opportunities that support their short-term and long-term goals.

The recent College Expo is a great example of the ways we’re engaging students and families to ensure they’re well informed on the many possibilities when it comes to furthering their education.

This event served as an invaluable resource, clearly conveying that there is something for everyone, whether students are interested in community colleges, four-year universities, trade technical education or serving in the military. I’m proud that the College Expo, now in its third year, drew more than 1,000 Norwalk-La Mirada students. It truly shows their commitment to their future, and to their goals.

Also a part of our efforts to bolster college preparation, our District for the first time in history provided eighth- through 12th-grade students with the opportunity to take college preparatory assessments for free. 

This testing allows students to evaluate their college readiness so they can get support in areas where they need the most help. 

Here at Norwalk-La Mirada, we strongly believe that a well-rounded education is key to student success. This is one reason our District recently expanded music programs to all elementary schools. Following a time when many schools in California were slashing visual and performing arts programs, we are proud to be able to provide this important program that contributes to the academic and personal growth of our children. 

Through this program, students are able to attend music class once a week. The expansion of music education in Norwalk-La Mirada was made a priority under the District’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), which targets funding to best meet the needs of students. 
I am pleased with the progress we’ve achieved since the start of the school year, and I look forward to the new successes coming months will bring.

Ginger Shattuck, Interim Superintendent

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