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Man Dies in Solo Crash in La Palma

LP Crash

Scene of accident Tuesday night in La Palma.


By Brian Hews

A man died Tuesday night after crashing his car into a block wall in La Palma at the intersection of Sandpiper Drive and Moody Street.

The La Palma Police Department received calls about a car colliding with a wall at around 7:51 p.m., Sgt. Raul Morales told HMG-CN.

The late model grey Honda slammed into the block wall killing the driver  instantly.

Three hours later firefighters were still working to cut the man out of the mangled wreckage.

No other cars were involved in the crash.

Rain was thought to be a factor as the streets were wet from Tuesday’s rain.

Traffic was blocked on Moody from La Luna Drive to Crescent Avenue as investigators tried to figure out what caused the crash.

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