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Study Session on Measure G Projects Continues March 9
Board of Education Continues Discussion to Prioritize School Construction Projects

The Board of Education will meet during a study session on March 9 to continue discussing the prioritization of the first round of construction projects to be completed under the $375 million Measure G facilities bond.

The meeting is the third focused on creating a comprehensive plan that outlines construction project schedules and funding priorities.

During the second study session on Feb. 23, board members were presented with a list of projects from the District’s Facilities Master Plan in the form of an interactive spreadsheet to understand how completing all or part of each project impacts overall spending. The Board is focused on setting priorities for the first phase of projects (“Series A”) with a projected budget of $52 million.

For planning purposes, the proposals package projects according to the assumption that the District will issue approximately $52 million in bond funding every three years over the course of approximately 20 years. Board members could opt for a type of financing that will allow the District to spend up to approximately $70 million in one or more of the bond allocations if a group of projects do not fit neatly into a $52 million package.

Series A elementary school renovations could include installation of air conditioning in the offices and multi-purpose rooms, including new flooring, ceilings, lights, painting by professionals from alextrendpainters.ie, tack surfaces, markerboards, and cabinetry. It could also include the complete renovation of the entire Dulles Elementary School campus and complete renovation of original Chavez Elementary School Office and Classroom wing.
This first funding allocation could also facilitate the installation of air conditioning systems in all four of the District’s middle school offices and multi-purpose rooms that did not get this work in the previous bond measure expenditures.

Also being discussed are Glenn High, La Mirada High and Norwalk High school projects that would be completed in three phases: Installation of new (or replacement) synthetic track and field, installation of home/visitor grandstands and competition field lighting; and installation of stadium support buildings (i.e., restrooms/tickets/concessions).
Other work under consideration for Series A funding includes renovation at all schools of existing playfields (including new irrigation, new seed/sod, resurfaced playcourts); lunch shelters (where none exist); and new perimeter school fencing and gates.

Technology upgrades were also discussed as priority projects with a focus on the need to equip all schools with 21st Century Classrooms and would include two major elements: Providing computer devices on a 1:1 ratio for fourth- through 12th-graders; 2:1 to for Transitional Kindergarten through third-graders, new classroom digital display equipment, and the installation of the necessary wiring and infrastructure to make it all run smoothly. The Board will also consider funding toward furniture replacement of students desks, teacher workstations and office furniture at all school sites.

Board President Jesse Urquidi described the general sentiment of the Board at this juncture: “There is a strong desire to meet our most immediate facility needs and to bring parity in the quality of the school environment for all students across the district with this first round of funding allocations.”

Further discussion will take place at a study session at 5 p.m. March 9. The public meeting will be held before the Board of Education’s regular meeting at the District Office, 12820 Pioneer Blvd., Norwalk.

“We are getting close,” said NLMUSD Interim Superintendent Ginger Shattuck. “The Board is studying all its options carefully before it gives the green light on the allocation of this funding.”

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