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Bellflower Council Institutes Green Programs City Wide

By Tammye McDuff


The City of Bellflower is committed to raising environmental awareness both locally and globally. Len Gorecki, Director of Public Works gave a Green Awareness update to Bellflower City Council Monday evening. The Green Scene offers information to residents on recycling, conservation and other programs residents can take advantage of to help clean up the city.


With a well thought out power point presentation, Gorecki introduced two plans: The Climate Action Plan and the Green Building Code. The presentation introduced the resident options of installing artificial turf or drought tolerant landscaping.


Three large projects were the spotlight of the presentation. Kaiser Permanente installed a Solar Photovoltaic System which offers recurrent energy. MIG / Hogle-Ireland worked with Recurrent Energy, a San Francisco-based solar energy provider, and Kaiser Permanente to help create a greener, cleaner environment in nine cities across California.


The 3.7 million dollar projects is a carport -type system constructed over the existing parking lot, on the top level of parking structure, adjacent to Kaiser Bellflower. These panels produce clean energy while providing shaded parking areas for Kaiser patrons and employees.


St. John Bosco High School, located in Bellflower, switched on its new solar powered facility in 2014. As a result of this installation, an estimated 80% of the electricity required by the school will be produced by the sun. The system is monitored by a Locus Energy monitoring system, and is anticipated to produce a net savings to the school of an approximate $70,000 annually. Over the twenty-five year life expectancy of the solar panels, the energy savings are anticipated to be $3.2 million.


The proposed Alondra Boulevard live and work townhomes will provide ten residential units and ten commercial units with an additional 57 townhome units. The building will use water efficient washers, faucets, shower-heads, and toilets. Efficient lighting; Energy Star refrigerators and dishwashers and the building’s air conditioning systems will use environmentally friendly refrigerants. Also Low emissions carpet, paints, sealants, adhesives, and insulation will be used to promote healthy indoor air quality.


Several grants have been approved for the City. The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) is the largest regional planning agency in the country.


The Green Region Initiative addresses climate change through GHG emissions, preservation of rural, agricultural, and environmentally sensitive areas. It promotes energy and water efficiency savings, and promotes environmental sustainability.


California Strategic Growth Council (SGC) brings together agencies and departments together for environmental protection coordination activities that support sustainable communities emphasizing environmental stewardship and funding has been obtained through SCAQMD, which has a number of programs that provide monetary incentives for implementing cleaner technologies.


the city is already active in solid waste recycling, C&D recycling, storm water process, energy efficient emissions reduction, water conservation, tree planting with 650 trees planted on the new bike trail, used oil and can recycling, household hazardous waste disposal and a waste management plan.

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