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NLMUSD and PTA to Host Parent Education Night: Understanding the New State Testing System

Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District, in collaboration with the PTA, will hold a parent education night to address the state’s new Common Core-aligned tests in English language arts (ELA) and math. Shannon Baker, District Director of Curriculum and Instruction, and the NLMUSD Educational Services Common Core Team will explain key elements of the tests and how teachers, parents and administrators can use the resulting data.

The two new tests were developed by a 22-state partnership called the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium, which includes California. The partnership allows California to compare student performance with scores from those states.

District leaders will also discuss NLMUSD’s Local Control and Accountability Plan, the document that describes how the District will use increased funding through the state’s Local Control Funding Formula to benefit students, especially those who are economically disadvantaged, English learners or foster youths. The LCAP is a three-year plan updated each spring.

6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, March 26

La Mirada High School Multipurpose Room
13520 Adelfa Drive, La Mirada
Child care and Spanish interpretation will be provided.

This spring, California students in grades three through eight and 11 will take the new ELA and math tests. The tests are computerized, adjust question difficulty based on student performance and provide ways to measure reading, research and analysis skills.

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