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La Mirada Council Approves Moratorium on Massage Establishments

By Brian Hews

In October 2011, the State of California enacted a law that eliminated cities ability to regulate massage establishments.

It also created a new regulatory entity, the California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC), which was given tremendous oversight authority over these businesses.

The mission of the CAMTC is to protect the public by certifying qualified massage professionals in California.

The Board of Directors includes William Armour, Mike Callagy, Judi Calvert, Mark Dixon, Ben Drillings, Jeff Forman, Keith Grant, Elna Leonardo, Michael Marylander, Arthur Miller, Christian Pezza, Jean Robinson, Roberta Rolnick, Marcy Schaubeck, Michael Sinel, Joe Bob Smith, Caroline Tseng, Deb Tuck, and Dixie Wall.

Since the creation of CAMTC, many cities, including La Mirada have experienced a significant increase in the number of massage establishments in their communities.

The number of massage establishment’s in La Mirada increased from one in 2011 to eight currently operating.

“Instead of professionalizing massage therapists, the legislation unfortunately created a way for massage establishments to proliferate because cities were effectively prevented from regulating them.” says Senior Administrative Analyst Mark Rounds.

In response to local government leaders calling on State Legislature to repeal the 2011 law, the State enacted Assembly Bill 1147, which restored some of the land use used in regulating massage establishments. The bill became effective January 1, 2015.

The new changes must be made in the form of municipal code amendments, which require additional time for consideration. As a result, the City Council recently approved a temporary moratorium on the establishment of any new massage business until the necessary code amendments can be made. The temporary moratorium will expire in approximately 10 months.

La Mirada Summer Day Camp Registration Open

Registration for the City of La Mirada’s Summer Day Camp and Teen Camp is now open.  Summer Day Camp is for children ages 5 to 11; Teen Camp is for ages 12 to 14.  Camps will be held at Neff Park weekdays June 22 through August 28, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., with optional extended hours beginning at 7 a.m. and ending at 6 p.m.Weekly registration includes one fun excursion and a camp T-shirt. The camps offer a wide variety of activities, including academic enrichment projects, crafts, water play, cooking activities, sports, and more. Weekly excursions include trips to the Santa Ana Zoo, California Science Center, an Angels Baseball Game, Pacific Park, and many more.Give your child a summer they will remember forever by signing them up for Summer Camp,” says Community Services Director Lori Thompson. “We are especially excited about this year’s camp because the new Neff Park playground was recently unveiled and offers fun new options for campers to explore.”Registration price is $37 per camper daily; or $127 per camper weekly. Call (562) 943-7277 for more information and to register.

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