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La Mirada Councilman Andrew Sarega Colluded With Vasquez In Frivolous Defamation Lawsuit Against Lamplighter Parent Company

La Mirada Councilman Andrew Sarega. Picture courtesy


Sarega is also currently working closely with disgruntled former HMG-CN reporter Randy Economy, who recorded and submitted a defamatory declaration against Hews that was included in the lawsuit.


Staff Report

Last week Judge Rafael Ongkeko ruled in favor of HMG-CN and Publisher Brian Hews in a bogus defamation case filed by Central Basin (CB) Director Leticia Vazquez.

The court found Hews did a thorough investigation and that Vasquez’ lawsuit was frivolous, ordering a hearing for her to pay as much as $60,000 in attorney’s fees.

Many people assisted Vasquez in the lawsuit, a list that shockingly includes La Mirada City Councilman Andrew Sarega.

In direct collusion with Vasquez, Sarega and his dad Ion “served,” (which is another word for delivered) Vasquez’ notice of lawsuit to Hews at his Cerritos offices.

Sarega and his dad came out from behind some bushes, walked up with a box of subpoenas handing them to Hews. People who serve subpoenas are usually paid for their services.


Ion Sarega with his son, La Mirada Councilman Andrew Sarega (in the car) after they served the subpoenas on Hews.



Days later, Sarega himself filed a frivolous lawsuit against the Lamplighter.

Sarega joins a long line of questionable elected officials, officials who took an oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution and the 1st Amendment, who have attacked a community newspaper for its investigative reporting.

Sarega also colluded with Randy Economy in the Hews lawsuit; Economy was arrested, charged with 3 drug violations and plead guilty to methamphetamine possession.

The other two counts, under the influence of a controlled substance,   and possessing a device used for unlawfully injecting or smoking a controlled substance were dropped.


Economy (left) with his mom Rosemary. Economy was convicted for possession of methamphetamine, a serious crime.


The two now work together for a Congressional candidate running against Dana Rohrbacher.




Campaign finance report for Stelian Onfrie who is running for Congress showing Economy and Sarega getting paid by the campaign.


Last week HMG-CN reported that the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) confirmed that the campaign finance investigation involving Sarega, Tony Aiello and Residents for a Better La Mirada related to the La Mirada City Council election in March 2017 continues to be active and on going.

The investigation was a result of a series of articles exclusively published by Hews Media Group-Community News, and is why Sarega is suing the La Mirada Lamplighter.

In an email, FPPC spokesperson Jay Wierenga told HMG-CN, “I was forwarded an email from Enforcement regarding your inquiry, I can say the case is open.”

Aiello jumped into the controversy last week, sending a threatening retraction letter to HMG-CN denying involvement, even though he is under investigation by the FPPC.



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