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May 7-13, 2018 La Mirada Crime Summary


Keep Your Home Safe During Fumigation

Residential burglaries are a crime of opportunity.  The majority occur when no one is home.  A large, multi- colored tent covering a house is a good indicator it is unoccupied.  To help prevent becoming a victim, residents planning to have their homes tented should:


  • Notify the La Mirada Community Sheriff’s Station a week prior to the fumigation.
  • Talk to your neighbors and inform them of the fumigation.
  • Stay local and make frequent checks on the property, especially in the evening hours.
  • Keep a vehicle in the driveway.


If you see anything suspicious in your neighborhood, or to notify La Mirada Public Safety of an upcoming fumigation contact the La Mirada Community Sheriff station at (562) 902-2960.
Notable Arrests
  • Three suspects were arrested throughout La Mirada for various warrants and narcotics violations.
Other Structure Burglary
  • A daytime burglary was reported on the 14300 block of Gannet St.
Grand Theft
  • Various items were stolen from an unlocked vehicle on the 15800 block of Algeciras Dr.
  • A catalytic converter was stolen from a vehicle on the 15300 block of San Ardo Dr.
  • Several vehicle batteries were stolen on the 16400 block of Phoebe Ave.
  • Cash and other household items were reported stolen on the 15800 block of Whitepost Ln.   The suspect has since been arrested in connection to this incident.
  • Fraudulent charges were reported on the 13900 block of Avenida Espana.
Grand Theft Vehicle
  • A van was reported stolen on the 13600 block of Ramsey Dr. The vehicle has since been recovered by Norwalk Sheriff’s.
  • A commercial truck was reported stolen on the 14500 block of San Esteban Dr. The vehicle has since been recovered by Century Sheriff’s.
  • A van was reported stolen on the 13900 block of Avenida Espana. The vehicle has since been recovered by Norwalk Sheriff’s.

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