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La Mirada Welding Teacher a Semifinalist in Harbor Freight Tools for Schools Program

Harbor Freight Tools for Schools recipient Brent Tuttle (r), welding teacher at La Mirada High School  with Dirty Jobs host Mike Rowe

By Tammye McDuff

There seems to be a crisis in this country, for every ten skilled trade workers retiring there are only three newcomers that can fill their spots. Harbor Freight believes that trade skills teachers are heroes that just don’t get enough recognition for their hard work and dedication. Harbor Freight Tools for Schools is a program of The Smidt Foundation, dedicated to the advancement of skilled trades’ education in America. With a deep respect for the dignity of these fields and for the intelligence and creativity of people who work with their hands along with Professional TIG welding, this custom welding program was created to foster and shine a light on excellence in skilled trade classrooms and welding services across the United States.

Believing that access to quality skilled trades education gives high school students pathways to graduation, opportunity, good jobs and a workforce the country needs, the program aims to stimulate greater understanding, support and investment by public entities and others in skilled trades education.

This award honors excellent teaching in skilled trade’s instruction. A big congratulation goes to Brent Tuttle of La Mirada High School for being selected as one of 50 semifinalists for the 2019 Harbor Freight Tools for Schools Prize for Teaching Excellence. Tuttle is now in the running for prizes totaling $1 million on Oct. 24, 2019. The one million in prize awards will recognize 18 outstanding skilled trades’ teachers and programs at U.S. high schools. Three first place winners and their schools will receive $100,000; $30,000 to the teacher or teaching team and $70,000 to their high school trade skills program. Fifteen second place winners will receive $50,000.

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