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La Mirada Candidates Morse and Fowler Working With Councilman Andrew Sarega to ‘Take Over’ the City Council


IDENTICAL: Fowler and Morse’s door hangar campaign advertisements recently distributed in La Mirada. The design is very similar to some of Andrew Sarega’s own campaign materials. You can browse this site to get more information.


It’s campaign silly season in La Mirada as the usual suspects emerge , with the help of La Mirada City Councilman Andrew Sarega and his dad John, the two latest Sarega clones are District 5 candidate Matt Morse and District 4 candidate Jackie Fowler.

Seems as if Tony Aiello wasn’t available.

Sources around the city are telling the Lamplighter that this is an effort by Sarega to gain the majority on the City Council.

This while Sarega is still under a California Fair Political Practices Commission investigation for campaign finance violations; the investigation “remains open”  as of Jan 13, 2020, according to FPPC spokesman Jay Wierenga., case number COM-03102017-00273.

Fowler is not trying to hide her allegiance to the Saregas; according to recently filed campaign finance reports, Fowler took $1,450 in campaign advertising materials as a donation from the Saregas.


Campaign finance documents showing  Fowler excepting $1,450 from the Saregas.


The only other money the Fowler campaign has taken in is a $1,590 loan from Fowler herself.

The Sarega/Aiello Circus is Back in Town

In 2017 the Lamplighter reported on a wide-ranging dark money campaign finance controversy involving Andrew Sarega and his running mate Tony Aiello.





The controversy involved an obscure committee called Residents for a Better La Mirada (RBLM) that attempted to influence the La Mirada City Council race.

Campaign documents obtained by HMG-LML from the La Mirada City Clerk’s office showed large donations from a shady La Habra based construction company to RBLM.

The money was used to slam District 1 candidate John Lewis and District 2 candidate and incumbent Pauline Deal with negative direct mail advertisements.

Due to redistricting, Deal was running against incumbent Andrew Serega, while Lewis was running for the newly created District 1 against Tony Aiello and others.

RBLM mailed out campaign  “hit pieces” against Deal and Lewis to La Mirada residents in District 1 and District 2.

Many La Mirada residents called and emailed HMG-LML angry with the mailers and the content that blasted Deal and Lewis.

Sarega won, but Aiello lost miserably.

The Lamplighter found that the offensive mailers were printed in Texas, at the Print Place, located at 1130 Avenue H East in Arlington.

An examination of Fowler’s campaign finance documents show that she printed her advertising materials, including a door hangar, at the Print Place.


Campaign finance document showing Fowler printing her door hangers at the Print Place.


In addition, it seems as if Fowler is hesitant to let La Mirada residents know who paid for the door hanger.

The FPPC recommends that door hangers have a campaign disclaimer, letting people know who paid for the advertisement.

Fowler chose not to print the campaign disclaimer on her door hanger.

Recently, the Lamplighter learned that the Saregas were also supporting Morse and emailed him asking if the Saregas were involved in his campaign.

In emails to the Lamplighter, Morse said “I am running my own campaign and will serve independently.”

When pressed, Morse answered, “I have known Andrew and family for a very long time and saw him grow up. When I decided to run for council he provided me with a lot of information regarding elections…but I am running my own campaign.”

Morse’s’ campaign finance documents show a different story.

Like Fowler, Morse recently delivered a campaign door hanger to residents in District 5.

The door hanger was printed at the same Print Place the Saregas, Aiello, and Fowler used.

Campaign finance document showing Morse printing his door hangers at the Print Place.


In addition, like Fowler, it seems as if Morse is hesitant to let La Mirada residents know who paid for the door hanger

Bucking the FPPC recommendation, Morse chose not to print the campaign disclaimer on his door hanger.

And the connection to the Sarega’s is undeniable, both candidates’ door hangars looked almost identical and closely resemble the website that was used for an unsuccessful congressional campaign Sarega managed.

One resident who did not want to be identified told the Lamplighter, “the Sarega’s are bad news for La Mirada. Andrew misses a lot of meetings, the city is doing great, ranked 11th in the state in financial soundness, the city was recently ranked one of the safest in the country, yet many of the votes are 4 to 1 with Sarega voting no. And with Sarega, you know that that sleazy Tony Aiello will be right behind him, trying to get his seat on the council.”


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