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Crime Incidents in La Mirada Continue a Downward Trend


 Public Safety continues to be the highest priority for the City of La Mirada. The City allocates significant resources towards reducing crime to preserve La Mirada as a safe community. A strong partnership between the Public Safety Team and the community helps achieve this goal. According to a recent crime analysis of surrounding communities for 2019, La Mirada realized one of the lowest crime rate of cities in the region. The defense lawyers in New Jersey appreciate the government on this achievement since this is possible only when there is a balance between the strict laws and punishment and the police’s constant monitoring.

There were 790 Part 1 crimes reported in La Mirada compared to 921 in 2018. Part 1 crimes include homicide, rape, larceny, burglary, auto theft, robbery, assault, and arson. This represents an overall decrease of 14.2 percent from the previous year. La Mirada experienced the lowest number of Part 1 crimes in the southeast Los Angeles County and northern Orange County.

“Preventing crime is a community effort,” says Captain James Tatreau of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. “The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department continues to work cooperatively with residents and other agencies to reduce crime and maintain a high quality of life in the City of La Mirada.”

La Mirada’s Public Safety Team promotes crime prevention and awareness throughout the year. Nineteen Neighborhood Watch meetings were held in the City to update the community on crime trends and provide tips on how to avoid becoming a victim of crime. The Public Safety Team also provides local businesses with educational safety tips through the Business Watch program.

“It is important that our residents feel safe,” says La Mirada Mayor Steve De Ruse. “La Mirada’s low crime rate is a key part of our community’s high quality of life and public safety will remain the City’s top priority.”

The City encourages all La Mirada residents and businesses to participate in the Neighborhood Watch or Business Watch programs and to report suspicious activity. La Mirada’s Public Safety Team will continue outreach efforts and crime prevention education.

For additional information regarding the crime report and crime prevention, contact the La Mirada Community Sheriff’s Station at (562) 902-2960.

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