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La Mirada Grocery Outlet & Neighborhood Life Church Help Senior Residents During Pandemic

Observing the six foot rule, Grocery Outlet owners Amanda Paez and Steven Hernandez (foreground), Dave and Brianna Newman, Councilman Anthony Otero, with La Mirada residents and business owners.



Hews Media Group ran a story recently that told of a partnership between Grocery Outlet and Neighborhood Life Church. 

This partnership was simply to reach out to the senior residents of La Mirada in this crisis. 

Since that article ran – the movement  has taken on a life of its own, receiving support from City Councilman Ed Eng, John Lewis, newly elected Couoncilman Anthony Otero, and Supervisor Janice Hahn’s office; donations have come in from as far as South Dakota.

The first week 100 food packages were assembled and delivered. The second week, over 200 packages were delivered and Eng has requested that 400 packages be taken to the elderly and homebound each week. “As the need increases, so will be our response,” said David Newman, Pastor Dave of Neighborhood Life Church.

The list of residents come in from the La Mirada Activity Center, Resource Center, Meals on Wheels, Long Beach VA, from other pastors and various residents within the city who have seen the Facebook posts or article.

The program has grown to serve the communities of Whittier, Norwalk, Anaheim, Pico Rivera, Compton, Long Beach and 25 hygiene kits were donated to the Hope Gardens Family Center for Women and Children in Sylmar, as well as five surrounding senior centers.

Residents from La Mirada gather at the Grocery Outlet in La Mirada after hours, and assemble bags of food and necessities which are delivered the following morning by volunteers. “There is human goodness and we are dealing with a particular crisis and people are showing what they are truly made of,” remarked Newman. 

Grocery Outlet owners Amanda Paez and Steven Hernandez got together with Newman and Councilman Eng to discuss a community event they wanted to sponsor, but then the COVID-19 stay home initiative was announced. The discussion continues but turned into how they could be good neighbors during this crisis.  “We can’t compete with a Walmart,” said Paez, “but there are other alternatives. Being a neighbor is getting out and doing things for your community. Bringing them together to engage, support and get to know one another.”

The new goal is to deliver bags of food to every senior’s home for the next six weeks. “Our identity is what drives us. We want to be good neighbors to our city, but to our neighboring cities as well. What we are doing with this program is part of our vision … to learn what it means to be a good neighbor,” said Newman, “ We are teaching in the church and we are teaching on the streets.”

Eng and his wife have a community foundation and they donated funds, Councilman Lewis donated funds toward packages, the word spread to the group ‘I Love La Mirada’ who donated $1,200 and that is when Eng contacted LA County Supervisor Hahn’s office who has pledged to donated $15,000.

If you would like to volunteer, donate or need assistance contact Pastor Dave at 562.359.7945 or send an email to [email protected].


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