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Anaheim Officer Assaulted La Mirada Councilman at Meeting, Called him a ‘Fucking Bitch’

By Brian Hews

July 13, 2022 ~ Fireworks erupted at the ordinarily tranquil La Mirada City Council meeting last night while the council was conducting its annual reorganization of mayor and vice-mayor council seats.

When the time came to vote for the positions, embattled Councilman Andrew Sarega was passed over.

HMG-CN reported a few weeks ago about Sarega’s poor council attendance record, which sources are telling HMG-CN was a major factor in the mayor and mayor pro tem vote.



La Mirada Councilman Sarega Has Poor Attendance Record; Father Removed From Latest Meeting



During one period from April 2021 to August 2021, Sarega was absent five out of a total of eight meetings, or 65% of the time; for the past few years, the numbers showed he missed council meetings 25% of the time.

Another factor was Sarega’s Dad, Ion, who, at the May 10 meeting, was removed after berating the council using “colorful language.”

The City Council selected Anthony Otero to serve as mayor for the 2022-23 term; then Steve De Ruse was selected to serve as Mayor Pro Tem, that’s when the fireworks began.

Present at the meeting was Andrew Sarega’s brother, David Sarega, who, after the vote, “went berserk,” and according to an attendee, calling DeRuse a “fucking bitch” and then physically and verbally confronting DeRuse at the dais.

Anaheim police officer

David Sarega

It was a frightening encounter, made even worse by the fact that DeRuse is 70 years old and Sarega looks to be in his late 20s.

Making matters worse for Sarega he is an Anaheim Police officer earning $237,000 according to Transparent California  and could get suspended, or at worse, lose his job.

It got so bad that outgoing Mayor Ed Eng stepped in between DeRuse and Sarega, with Sarega challenging Eng to a fight.

The younger Sarega told Eng , “let’s take it outside,” but cooler heads prevailed; but the damage had been done.

The council immediately reported the incident to the La Mirada Sheriffs, in addition, HMG-CN has learned that the council will file an incident report with the Anaheim Police.

HMG-CN has a call into APD and is awaiting a response.

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