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The New Year is here and it’s time to think about how you want to spend your time in 2017! Pathways, a non-profit organization in Lakewood, is currently looking for volunteers to help seniors in our area stay independent and in their own homes by providing volunteers to: ensure their safety, provide companionship, and keep them active. Volunteers are fully trained and only required to work a minimum of 2-4 hours per week.

One of their current clients, Ruby, stated, “I couldn’t imagine not having my volunteer…she takes me to the doctor, out to lunch, to the store and gets things that are too high for me to reach. She is no longer a volunteer, she has become my friend.” Many of our seniors simply don’t drive anymore so having access to their communities is difficult but with the help of our volunteers they can remain active and involved.

There are many other areas to volunteer like event planning, clerical and grief support. See their website at www.pathwayshospice.org for more details. The next Volunteer Training is scheduled for Monday, January 23, 2016. If you or someone you know is interested in helping out in this way, please give them a call at the Pathways Office at 562/531-3031.

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