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La Mirada Blog: ‘Nothing Happened’ When Police Officer Assaulted Councilman DeRuse

September 29, 2022

Staff Report

La Mirada Blog writer Tony Aiello doesn’t mind showing his allegiance when his friend, La Mirada City Councilman Andrew Sarega is under fire, even when there is overwhelming evidence that he should not defend Sarega.

In an extremely questionable Twitter post, Aiello commented on a retweet by the La Mirada NewsBeat concerning an article by the Lamplighter outlining the assault by Sarega’s brother on Councilman Steven DeRuse.

Sarega’s brother is an Anaheim Police Officer, the Lamplighter confirmed days after the assault that he was under investigation by Internal Affairs.

Nevertheless, Aiello who calls himself and his blog “La Mirada’s true news source,” wrote a very threatening and intimidating post on La Mirada NewsBeat’s twitter after retweeting Lamplighter’s Sarega story.

Nice try. I was there [at the meeting]. I must have been watching another meeting. If you don’t have anything nice to contribute to #LaMirada then don’t. Stop rambling and stop trying to divide the community. #morefakenews”

“How can you be a legitimate news site if you post something like that,” said Lamplighter Publisher Brian Hews, “it is evidence that if Aiello is ever confronted with derogatory information about his buddy Saraga he will not report it, he totally discredited himself sticking up for Sarega.”





Screenshot showing Aiello harassing La Mirada NewsBeat and using “morefakenews.”




This is not the first time for Aiello and Sarega, in 2017 the Lamplighter documented the questionable campaign financing for Aiello’s failed campaign, who was running with  Sarega.

The FPPC ended up investigating both of them




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