Notable Arrests The La Mirada Special Assignment Team arrested two individuals who they recognized from an auto theft bulletin recently distributed by the Department’s Task Force for Regional Auto Theft…
Staff Report Tuesday Aug. 7, 2018 4:54 p.m. South Whittier, CA—Today, Supervisor Janice Hahn has announced that County officials have won a temporary court injunction against an illegal…
By Brian Hews The La Mirada Public Safety Team will conduct a simulated drunk driving traffic collision for students at La Mirada High School on June 3 and 4. The…
The City of La Mirada continues to focus on revitalizing, expanding, and diversifying industrial and retail centers. The City continues to expand its outreach efforts to market key properties…
Notable Arrests • A suspect was arrested for a narcotics violation and was later identified as a suspect in unrelated package theft case. Robbery • Pursuant to an argument a…
Get Involved, Join Neighborhood Watch Residents interested in helping keep the City of La Mirada safe are encouraged to become involved in the Neighborhood Watch program. Neighborhood Watch is a crime prevention…
Friday June 29, 2018 2:13 A semi-truck stalled at the top of the Valley View bridge, traffic is backed up in both directions along the two lane street. Police were…
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Staff Report FROM CNN Anthony Bourdain, a gifted storyteller and writer who took CNN viewers around the world, has died. He was 61. CNN confirmed Bourdain’s death on Friday and…