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Lamplighter Newspaper

Delivered to 15,000 homes-over 40,000 readers every week-the Lamplighter is the only local newspaper in La Mirada. Covering La Mirada and surrounding communities, the Lamplighter publishes stories of local interest only-no national news. The Lamplighter is hand delivered to over 30 establishments in the community including city hall, library, senior center, police stations, and many local and national businesses.

Daily newspapers such as the Whittier Daily News, the Long Beach Press-Telegram, the Los Angeles Times, and the OC Register have virtually left our circulation area; as of 2011 ABC audit,  the daily newspapers combined circulation reaches only 15% of the homes in our area.

With award winning journalistic coverage and 95% delivery to the homes, we are the most well read community newspaper in La Mirada.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to call or email me.


16700 Valley View Ave., Suite 300
La Mirada, Ca 90638
