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La Mirada Chamber Executive Director Calls Lamplighter a Bad Idea




Dear Editor:

I want to go on the record.
I think La Mirada having a weekly newspaper that reaches every home in La Mirada is a good thing.
But MY opinion is that when a paper has “La Mirada” in the title and the articles and advertisers are mostly about other city’s news or promoting people to go to businesses outside of La Mirada’ tax base that is not such a good thing.
But I can understand it’s a necessary evil when you are first getting started. But, it has been 14 weeks. I think an 8 pager with just LM news and advertisers would be better.
It’s my opinion that resurrecting the LM Lamplighter was a bad idea. I know you keep referencing Morgan every chance you get, and Dick Hurley is a hero of mine. But at the end of the day (respectfully) she is a daughter of the main employee of the Lamplighter. Mr. Hurley didn’t own the rights to the name, but publisher Fred Olson did until he sold it.
Again this is only my opinion. Now of course I could write an opinion titled “La Mirada Lamplighter a Trojan Horse for more Cerritos Sales Tax”
And then to write a letter to the city council demanding that every board member of the LM Chamber resign was just over the top.
Editor’s Note: the Lamplighter only asked that President of the La Mirada Chamber Ms. Ellis, Director Mr. Ross, and Board Member Ms. Cruz resign for conflict of interest.
Demian Ross
Executive Director
La Mirada Chamber of Commerce



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