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Citizen Task Force Reviews City Infrastructure Needs

Citizen Task Force Reviews City Infrastructure Needs

Members of the task force listen intently about the city’s infrastructure challenges. Addressing La Mirada’s aging infrastructure and the nearly $200-million needed to complete the improvements was discussed by the…

La Mirada Softball Team Has Its Sights Set on a CIF Title

    By Tom Connolly   As the high school softball season winds down to the last few weeks, La Mirada continues to impress and is playing as well as…

La Mirada Celebrates Artful Tree-Loving Student Artists

La Mirada Celebrates Artful Tree-Loving Student Artists

By Randy Economy   The La Mirada City Council honored a dozen local school age children this week as award winners in the “Love a Tree” Poster Contest. Inside the…

Noguez Appears in Infomercial Promoting Private Appraiser Company

Noguez Appears in Infomercial Promoting Private Appraiser Company

Video of Noguez Infomercial The video below was pulled off the internet one day after Los Cerritos Community News reported about it. Knowing this might occur, LCCN shot a “video…

La Mirada Chamber has not filed taxes since 2008

La Mirada Chamber has not filed taxes since 2008

By Brian Hews In research done using the Economic Research Institute website, (http://www.eri-nonprofit-salaries.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=NPO.Search), the La Mirada Lamplighter has learned that the last year the La Mirada Chamber filed tax returns…

Nine Arrested in Mortgage Fraud Scheme, Suspects Include La Mirada, HG residents

Nine Arrested in Mortgage Fraud Scheme, Suspects Include La Mirada, HG residents

By Randy Economy Nine area residents, including suspects from La Mirada and Hawaiian Gardens have been arrested and charged with numerous felony counts involving a fraudulent mortgage scheme. On Wednesday,…

La Mirada Crime Summary April 9, 2012 – April 15, 2012

La Mirada Crime Summary April 9, 2012 – April 15, 2012

Aggravated Assault          An incident was reported on the 15000 block of Leffingwell Rd. A suspect was arrested in connection with the incident.   Residential Burglary Two residential burglaries occurred…

Disbarred La Mirada attorney charged with 17 felony counts

  By Randy Economy A former La Mirada attorney has found himself on the wrong side of the law. Gerald Lionel Garcia-Barron, a disbarred attorney accused of practicing law while…

La Mirada Heat Enter Playoffs on High Note

La Mirada Heat Enter Playoffs on High Note

                The La Mirada Heat of the La Mirada Girls Softball Association is entering the 2012 playoffs on a high note. The Heat…

Letter from La Mirada Mayor Steve Jones

Letter from La Mirada Mayor Steve Jones

  Webster’s dictionary defines “transition” as change, a movement from one state, stage, place, or subject to another, and transition defines La Mirada this past year while I served as…